A "come to Jesus moment"

Fact: sometimes we like to make really stupid decisions. 
Fact: sometimes those decisions have consequences that make us realize they were stupid. 

A "come to Jesus moment" is what people sometimes say when they've realized they've made a stupid decision; maybe a good, Christian friend gave them a wake up call, or maybe the Sunday service preached about exactly what they did. But a "come to Jesus moment" is when you realize and realign with Jesus. And we need to have way more of these. 

John 6:60-63 talks about how some of Jesus's teaching were too hard for people to understand. He did not water down the truth, and that was really hard for a lot of people to handle, which caused them to stop following Him. 

A pastor by my college has said something multiple times, and it is so true and so important for this message, and it hits me every time. He says: 

"If Jesus never said something that was harsh for your life, you're not truly following God, but rather a twisted version that you've created."

Jesus is kind, and loving, and grace-giving. But He is blunt, and He is the truth. 

The people in the verses were grumbling to each other about how harsh His teaching were, when really, they should have been going to Him. WE should be going to Him! 

Following God is hard, and it's going to challenge you and make you uncomfortable, because we are broken humans and living the way we were made to is no longer natural to us. 

But when you have those fears, those frustrations or doubts, that maybe you can't follow God, or you can't believe He would say that, those are when you need to have a "come to Jesus moment". 

These things don't make you a bad Christian. They don't mean you're messing up. Jesus KNOWS we're going to have them. It doesn't surprise Him or scare Him in any way. 

But look at what happens in verse 66. Many people leave, and stop following Jesus. It's not because He messed up, we know this because He's the only perfect person to ever exist. He doesn't mess up. 

The people didn't turn away because Jesus wasn't who they thought He was. They turned away because they left their frustrations to be unchecked and unresolved. Not taking these things to Jesus can lead to people abandoning Jesus. 

So the next time you're confused, frustrated, or scared. Come to Jesus. Share your feelings and surrender them to His mighty hands and His perfect plan. 


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