
 There is a common saying in the Christian community that says "God will never give you something you can't handle".

I regret to inform you that is completely untrue. In the short way- yes, God will give you more than you can handle. But lets look at the long way. 

Corinthians 10:13 is the verse many people draw this conclusion from, which states "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 

It's true, God is faithful. He will provide a way. 

But our ability to handle temptation does not come from our own ability. Notice the phrase "common to man". It is common, it is in our nature (since the fall) to be tempted, and to give in. All temptation is too much for us to handle. 

But it also says God will provide a "way of escape" or an ability to "endure it". These are the two options when it comes to the way God provides.

Clearance is taking you out of it. Endurance is taking you through it. 

God will give you more than you can handle. But He will NEVER give you more than HE can handle. There's no such thing. 

But just knowing this won't stop temptation from coming. It's important to be smart. Know your history when it comes to temptation. This means biblical history and your own. There are many temptations that appear over and over in the Bible-- idolatry, sexual immorality, impatience, grumbling/complaining, and many more. 

But also know what you yourself have struggled with. Know what makes you give in, and don't be arrogant about it. Get help when you need it when dealing with temptation. The moment that you think you're above temptation is when the enemy strikes and it gets you. 

Temptation is a universal experience, and even Jesus was tempted. But also know that there isn't a lot of gray area with temptation. Once you start toeing the line too close, you're going to fall. 

It reminds me of a post I've seen hundreds of times, and it's a girl that says she sees people with "wwjd" bracelets, standing for what would Jesus do? But that she never sees another one of her bracelets "jwnghitsitfp", which stands for 'Jesus would never get himself into this situation in the first place." 

Don't put yourself in situations that are going to tempt you. Predecide to say no before you are asked. Understand yourself and your biblical history, and know that sometimes God provides clearance, which means get yourself out of that situation so that He doesn't have to provide endurance. 


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